Sunday, 2 November 2014

Google Sheets - inserting a static variable

Ever had a spreadsheet with set variables and wanted to use them in a formula but not have to type them over and over - just use the drag down feature and have it work? For example, if I had a formula where I wanted A3 to be present as part of it, and when I try to apply that formula to multiple cells the A3 becomes A4, A5, A6 etc? That's very annoying and up until now I've gone through and manually corrected it.

Not any more! By putting a $ sign in front of the column ID and the row ID e.g. $A$3 - it won't change! It stays the same! OMGWTFBBQ!

How long have I looked for this - I found the answer here: - read up for more info! Yay!

Adventures with Immich

With the implementation of my Proxmox server it's now time to play with some new applications - and we'll start with Immich, a repla...